/“Un sacro dire di sì. Giancarlo Frison scultore”: an exhibition
“Un sacro dire di sì. Giancarlo Frison scultore”: an exhibition2024-09-02T21:23:25+02:00

The exhibition is open from Friday, July 5, 2024, until October 13, 2024,
at the Oratorio di San Rocco in Padua, via Santa Lucia 59.

From Tuesday to Sunday, 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Free admission

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For further information write to: info(at)overvieweditore.com

The exhibition

The exhibition anthologically collects the sculptural production of Giancarlo Frison, active since the 1960s. His works, predominantly in terracotta or bronze, have forms and a poetics in which lightness prevails, a dreamy quality capable of liberating the observer’s imagination, in a synthesis possible only for those who approach Sculpture with technical and ethical awareness. Thus, it speaks to both the eyes of the simple and the learned. A sort of ethical dreamlike realism. The works on display are composed of different cycles: some of them clearly refer to the Sacred, others to the Phenomenological aspects of Nature or Agricultural Work in a descriptive manner, and still others to the Symbolic and Topological Geometries.

Giancarlo Frison

Giancarlo Frison (1949) attended high school with the students of the Monastery of Praglia at the Diocesan Seminary of Padua; during that period, he had the opportunity to visit exhibitions, museums, and churches in the city. He received the basics of plastic modeling from the sculptor Licia Boldrin, niece of the sculptor Paolo Boldrin. He graduated in Contemporary Art under Professor Umbro Apollonio at the University of Padua. His work has also been exhibited in other shows: Variazioni (Galleria Civica, Padua, 1993); Della notte, della luce (Padua, 2003); Sacra Ricreazione (Church of San Silvestro, Vicenza, 2011); Parva AEsthetica (Oratory of San Rocco, Padua, 2017).



Photographic reportage of the opening night – photos by Carlo Buffa

Works – photos by Carlo Buffa

Works three-dimensionally scanned – curated by Dario Maran

People – photos by Carlo Buffa


Press release from newspapers or magazines
Only in italian

PikasusArteNews august 5th, 2024

venetonews.it july 5th, 2024

Il Popolo Veneto  july 3rd, 2024

Turismo Padova  july 2nd, 2024

padovanet.it july 2nd, 2024

padovaoggi.it july 2nd, 2024

padovamusei.it july 1st, 2024

Prometeo Magazine  june 29th, 2024

Il Giornale dell’Arte  june 26th, 2024

Padova e il suo territorio n. 230 june 2024

Galileo Rivista del Collegio Ingegneri di Padova n. 273 june 2024

The book

Only in italian

The book accompanying the exhibition, curated by Paolo Pavan, includes texts by Marco Boato, Mirella Cisotto Nalon, Pier Luigi Fantelli, Ernesto Luciano Francalanci, Brunilde Neroni, as well as Paolo Pavan himself.
Acquista il libro con copertina rigida
Acquista il libro con copertina morbida
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The book was made possible thanks to the generous contributions of the following companies Vergati srl Ascensori e Welog srl Cloud Monitoring

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